[20070727]Let’s drink a toast to the first time experience that is about loving revelation.

I was at one time to have felling like this.
And I was at one time to chase my love , and I had wished to own.

A tender facial expression mirror on the sky.
The tall building looks very beautiful.
Are they feeling the change of sentence in each hurry people of deep heart ?
Who make him look so sad?
What can I do now?
The bird that lose the ability of flying wouldn’t imagine how tall is the sky. Never.
I have a bit uneasy feeling.
“It’s ok” In my book, I write that continues.
Paper plane fly without stop, it looks like to catch up tomorrow.
And paper plane fly to sunset. Not stopping.
Paper plane maybe not drop in my feeling, and send my wish to the sky.
Then I always can see my dream.
I always feel small in the expressing that is so tender.
In the end of today, I wish to find what could I do.
It is a bit too sentimental.
I think it is ok, because this is my first step.
And this is the same meaning that the paper plane fly not stopping look to catch up tomorrow.
The paper plane fly without stop , even if the wind is blowing hard.
But it always can fly up and away.
The flying of paper plane is like the no ending of dream, it always believe.
So it always can fly without stop.

20070713 The starry night traveling in Hehoan

Taipei have a great weather for the past few days because of the typhoon did not hit Taiwan. Since I listen my college of classmate to say how’s beautiful that to gaze the star in the sky of hehoan, I’d love to gaze at the star in the sky of Hehoan. But it’s pity that I always do not go to hehoan. But ,today, The classmate who know each other in military service give me a call . He ask me “Do you want to go to Hehoan to take pictures ?” Of course I accept the asking right now. I left the easy bag ,then I set off to go to meet.

It was twenty-tree o’clock ,when we reached our destination. When I get off the car ,i was very impressed by the sky of hehoan ,because I saw the starry summer evening and galaxy that t always see in book. I take-up pda then begin to use the soft that is star finder. Because I had take a compass, so i find the direction quickly. When I raise my head , i am stunned. It is difficult that to find star in starry evening , although it is beauty that seeing the starry evening. But I was not afraid. Because it is my target to learn soft that was name pocket stars. So I use this soft to find star. At first I make some wrong setting to waste almost three hour, but i had find out problems. Today’s night have find out pisces, vega , altair, cygnus , ursa minor, and polaris. Because I had not considered the temperature of difference between ground and hilltop, i putted on a coat that could not kept warm. So I must return to car basked in spell. Although it is very cold ,but it is a remember for a long time.
At first my classmate want to take a picture that is the star locus. But the place that take picture is near road. So there are cars to pass in radon time. The picture will be broken by the light of car. So he fear to take the pictures. At last we have no way to ,and he brave out. God bless that he have take a success work.
The time of daybreak would come quickly. Because the place that we take starry of picture was not good to take the picture of daybreak, we find the other place to take picture of daybreak. According to the compass, we find the better place that to take picture of daybreak. According to official notice ,that place is called “Shihmen Mountain”. After we take picture of daybreak , we went back to Hsinchu right now. And we finish this crazy active today.

Note: If I write wrong ,it is welcome to give advice.

[Figure 1.1] Offical notice of Shihmen Mountain

[Figure 1.2]The road

[Figure1.3] The daybreak

日本北海道五日遊 第五天(20070614)


日本北海道五日遊 第四天(20070613)

在舊道廳只做了短暫的停留,接著往日本北海道的神宮,如何在神宮拜拜在前一天已經有說過,這裡就不再累述了。在這裡我買了導遊說的只有這裡有的紫色Hello kitty,其實是一個護身符。接著往今天的重點行程,小樽運河,一下車導遊就帶著大家來到銀之鐘咖啡館因為在這裡有喝咖啡送咖啡杯的活動。不過點果汁可以拿Hello kitty造型的杯子。因為這比較少見,所以當然就給他選了果汁,帶了Hello kitty的杯子回家摟。小樽運河是一條有歐市風格的街道,而且裡面賣玻璃飾品的店超多說。裡面的玻璃飾品超漂亮,當然價格也蠻高就是。
結束了小樽運河之後,今天的中餐在希爾頓飯店吃。感覺這趟旅遊,吃的地方都是蠻高級的,感覺拍照會被覺得沒見過世面,所以就沒拍了。吃完飯之後,接著到Nikka Whisky的製酒場,在這裡的酒都可以試喝,而且試喝的場地的氣氛不輸咖啡廳。可惜在這裡只做短暫的停留,不然在這裡是可以悠閒的待一個下午說,只是喝酒不開車,要多多注意阿。